Tips on how to get a tattoo for beginners

By Vlad Barikhin, Vlad Blad Irons CEO
Mai 18, 2024
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Tattooing is a unique art that combines creativity and technical skills. For many people, a tattoo is a way of self-expression, a reflection of their personality and life path. However, to become a successful tattoo artist, it is not enough just to be able to draw beautiful designs. It is necessary to master leather working techniques, understand the anatomy of the body, be able to operate equipment and adhere to strict safety standards. This is why learning the basics of tattooing is a critical step for every aspiring artist. In this section we will look at the key aspects that will help you start your journey in the world of tattoos.

Drawing Basics for Tattoos

Why is it important to be able to draw?

Artistic skills are the foundation on which a tattoo artist's skill is built. The ability to draw allows you to create unique, high-quality and aesthetically pleasing designs that will delight clients for many years. Artistic vision helps you better understand the shapes and proportions of the body, which is extremely important when creating tattoos that will look harmonious on the skin.

In addition, drawing skills allow you to develop a sense of style and a unique handwriting, which will help you stand out among many other artists. Knowledge of various drawing techniques such as sketching, painting and digital art provides the opportunity to experiment and find new ways to express yourself through tattoos.

Practice on paper and digital art

Start with the basics. Regular practice on paper will help you hone your skills and learn how to create clean, confident lines, which is especially important for contouring tattoos. Try copying famous tattoo designs to understand what elements make them successful. This will help you develop your own sense of style and composition.

Digital art also plays an important role in modern tattooing. Using graphics tablets and drawing programs allows you to create complex and detailed designs that are easy to adjust and improve. Programs like Adobe Photoshop and Procreate provide a wide range of tools for working with color, shading, and textures, making the design process more flexible and convenient.

By combining paper practice with digital inking, you can develop the well-rounded artistic skills needed for a successful career in the tattoo industry. Gradually move from simple drawings to more complex ones, experiment with different styles and techniques, and don't be afraid to make mistakes - every step along the way brings you closer to mastery.

How to start tattooing?

Search for quality equipment

To get started successfully in the world of tattoos, you need to acquire quality equipment. This is the key to safety, comfort and high quality work. Here are the main items you'll need:
  • Tattoo machine. The basis of any tattooist's kit. There are two main types: rotary and reel machines. Rotary machines are known for their quiet operation and smooth ride, while reel machines provide more control and power. Models from VladBlad, such as VladBlad Ultron 2 and VladBlad Ultron 3, are renowned for their reliability and accuracy;
  • Needles. Vary in types and sizes depending on the task. Thin needles are used for contouring, and thicker ones for shading and shading;
  • Ink. Quality ink ensures tattoos are vibrant and long lasting. It is important to choose only trusted brands that have passed certification;
  • Power and Pedal. Stable power supply and comfortable pedal let you control the tattooing process;
  • Holders and tips. Provide convenience and precision;
  • Sterilization equipment. Autoclaves and disinfectants are essential for hygiene and safety.

Creating a workplace

Setting up a sterile and comfortable workspace at home or in another location (for example, renting a room) is an important step for a novice tattoo artist. Here are some tips on how to do this:
  • Designate a room where you will work. This will help you concentrate and maintain cleanliness;
  • Use disposable gloves, masks and disinfectants to maintain cleanliness. Sterilize instruments and surfaces regularly;
  • Place all the necessary quality tools within easy reach. Use specialized stands and holders for machines and needles;
  • Good lighting is key. Use bright, adjustable lamps to see all the details of the work;
  • Invest in a comfortable chair for you and your client. This will ensure comfort during long sessions.

The educational process and the importance of internship

Why is it important to get an internship?

An internship with an experienced tattoo artist is an indispensable step in learning to tattoo. Here's why this is so important:
  • Theory is good, but only practice under the guidance of a professional will allow you to master all the intricacies of the craft. You will learn the correct technique for working with a machine, selecting needles and ink, as well as the peculiarities of working with leather
  • An experienced mentor will teach you to comply with all necessary sanitary standards to avoid infections and complications
  • An important aspect is the ability to communicate with clients, understand their wishes and create comfortable conditions for them
  • An internship is a great opportunity to meet other professionals and clients, which can be beneficial for your future business

How to find a mentor?

Finding a good mentor takes time and effort, but the results are worth it. Here are some tips for finding the right tattoo artist for your internship:
  • Visit several studios in your city, pay attention to the quality of the work of the masters and the conditions in the salon;
  • Look for professionals with extensive experience and a style that appeals to you. It is important that the master's work is professional and varied;
  • Do not hesitate to approach a master whose work you like and ask about the possibility of an internship. Prepare a portfolio of your work to show your skills and seriousness;
  • Ask other tattoo artists or clients for recommendations. Positive reviews can help you find a reliable mentor;
  • Use social networks and specialized forums to search for information and contacts.
By completing an internship with a professional, you will gain not only knowledge and skills, but also confidence in your abilities, which will be an excellent start to your career in the tattoo industry.

Practice on artificial leather

Why start with faux leather?

Practicing on artificial skin is an important step for beginner tattooists. This material provides an opportunity to safely practice tattoo techniques without the risk of harming clients. Faux leather helps you develop self-confidence, improve your machine and ink skills, and understand how to apply different designs. It allows you to experiment with different styles and techniques, which is a key aspect of learning.

Types of artificial leather and their features

There are several types of faux leather on the market, each with its own benefits. Rubber, for example, is an accessible and commonly used material for initial practice. It is elastic, but does not fully convey the feeling of working with real leather. Silicone skin, on the other hand, is more realistic and better mimics the texture and density of human skin, making it an ideal choice for more advanced practice. Pig skin is the closest analogue to human skin and is used by professional tattooists for practice. It has a similar texture and density, which allows you to get as close as possible to real working conditions.

Basic tattoo techniques

  • Contouring
    Contouring is the basis of any tattoo. It involves creating clear, even lines that define the shape and details of the design. For contouring, fine needles such as RL (Round Liner) are usually used to achieve precise and fine lines. It is important to keep your hand steady and resting on your skin to avoid shaking and ensure straight lines. You should start with thin lines and gradually add thickness if necessary. This will help avoid mistakes and improve control over the process.
  • Shading and gradation
    Shading and creating gradations add depth and dimension to the tattoo. You should start with dark areas and gradually move to light areas to avoid ink mixing and contamination of light shades. For painting large areas, M1 (Magnum) needles are used, which allow you to apply more ink in one pass. It is important to vary the pressure and speed of movement to create smooth transitions and gradations. Experiment with different techniques to find the best approach.
  • Lettering
    Lettering and fonts are often used in tattoos and require special attention. It is important to choose a font that matches the style and meaning of the tattoo. Practice writing in different fonts to improve your skills. Consider the shape and location of the inscription on the client's body so that it is easy to read and fits harmoniously into the overall composition. Maintain even spacing between letters to improve readability and overall appearance. To draw fine details and fine lines, use fine needles, paying close attention to the quality of the lines to avoid blurring and unclearness.

Safety and sterilization

Security basics

Good hygienic practices as a tattoo artist are critical to preventing infections and ensuring the safety of both client and artist. Each session must take place under sterile conditions. It is important to use disposable gloves and masks, thoroughly disinfect all surfaces and tools before and after each session, and also follow the rules for disposing of sharps. This minimizes the risk of infection transmission and ensures customer confidence.

Sterilization equipment

To maintain cleanliness in the tattoo studio, it is necessary to use special equipment. The main instrument for sterilization is the autoclave. It uses high temperature and pressure to kill all microorganisms, ensuring complete sterility of reusable instruments.

It is also necessary to use disinfectants such as MadaCide on surfaces and tools. These products effectively destroy bacteria and viruses, keeping the workplace clean.

Disposable gloves and masks are important to protect the technician and client from possible infections. All used needles and sharps should be disposed of in special containers to prevent accidental cuts and contamination.
Review of VladBlad models

Recommendations for choosing a tattoo machine

VladBlad offers a wide range of tattoo machines, each of which has its own unique features. Here is a brief overview of popular models:

  • The Avenger 3 Pro is a powerful and reliable machine, suitable for both contouring and shading. It ensures stable operation and high quality tattoos;
  • Ultron 3 is a versatile machine that is ideal for a variety of tattoo techniques. Its versatility makes it an excellent choice for craftsmen of any level;
  • Packs Ultron 3 is a kit that includes everything you need to get started. An excellent choice for those who want everything in one package;
  • The Ultron 2 and Custom Ultron 2 are models known for their durability and accuracy. They provide excellent performance and are suitable for complex designs;
  • Packs Ultron 2 is another kit that includes everything you need to get started. This is a convenient option for beginner tattooists;
  • Avenger 2 Pro and Custom Avenger 2 Pro - These models offer high performance and reliability, making them ideal for professional use;
  • Packs Avenger 2 Pro is a kit that includes a tattoo machine and all the necessary accessories, which is convenient for artists who want to get started right away;
  • Ultron is a classic model that remains popular due to its simplicity and effectiveness.

When choosing a VladBlad tattoo machine, it is important to consider your individual needs and preferences. Each of these models offers unique benefits, and the choice depends on your work style and equipment requirements.
«Choosing a suitable tattoo machine is extremely important, as it affects not only the comfort of the artist himself, but also the quality and safety of the tattoo. A high-quality machine ensures even ink application and precise lines, which is the key to creating long-lasting and aesthetically pleasing tattoos. A properly selected machine helps avoid skin damage and promotes faster healing.»
Vlad Barikhin
Vlad Blad Irons CEO

Marketing and promotion

  • Creating a portfolio
    Creating a quality portfolio is a key step for any aspiring tattoo artist. Your portfolio should showcase your best work and the variety of styles in which you work. Start by collecting photos of your tattoos from different angles to show the artistry and attention to detail. Make sure your photos are of high quality and well lit. It is also important to include sketches and drawings to show your artistic abilities. Organize your portfolio logically, starting with your strongest work, and be sure to update it as you gain more experience.
  • Social networks and personal brand
    Social networks are a powerful tool for promoting your services. Create professional profiles on popular platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and TikTok. Regularly post photos of your work, videos of your tattoo process, and content that reflects your personality and style. Interact with subscribers, answer their questions and comments. Use hashtags and geotags to expand your audience. Personal branding is important - be yourself, demonstrate your unique style and approach to work. This will help you stand out from your competitors and attract more clients.
  • Participation in tattoo conventions
    Tattoo conventions provide an excellent opportunity for advancement and professional growth. Participation in such events allows you to meet industry colleagues, exchange experiences and learn new techniques. It is also a chance to showcase your work to a wider audience and gain recognition. Prepare in advance: create a stand with your work, business cards and other advertising materials. Participate in competitions to get feedback from experts and improve your reputation. Conventions also help to find new clients and establish useful connections in a professional environment.


To sum it up, becoming a professional tattoo artist requires persistence, patience and constant practice. It is important not only to master techniques and artistic skills, but also to pay attention to safety and hygiene. Promoting yourself as a professional through creating a portfolio, being active on social media, and participating in professional events will help you gain recognition and attract clients. Never stop there, keep learning and improving, and you will definitely achieve success in this unique and creative profession.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Understanding the different types of tattoo machines is crucial for every artist aiming to excel in this field. The journey of exploration doesn't stop here; in the next article, we will delve deeper into the realms of tattoo machine performance and reliability, aiding artists in making informed decisions for their craft.
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