Proper cleaning and disassembly of tattoo machines

By Vlad Barikhin, Vlad Blad Irons CEO
Mai 25, 2024
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In the modern world, tattooing has become a popular form of art and self-expression. However, along with the increase in popularity, an important challenge arises - ensuring hygiene and safety in tattoo parlors. Improper handling and cleaning of tattoo machines can lead to serious consequences, including infections and other health problems. In this article, we will look at important aspects of proper cleaning and disassembly of tattoo machines, which will help artists maintain a high level of hygiene and ensure the safety of their clients.

Cleaning and disassembling tattoo machines

Cleaning and disassembling tattoo machines are key steps in maintaining a clean and safe tattoo artist's work area. The process of preparing for cleaning and disassembling begins immediately after the completion of the tattoo session. The first step is to remove all disposable supplies from the work surface and dispose of liquids. It is recommended to use a dehydrator or absorbent paper to remove any remaining liquid. It is important to remember that all materials discarded after the session are classified as hazardous waste and cannot be sorted.
Then you need to disassemble the machine using a new pair of gloves. Identify the right hand as "dirty" and the left hand as "clean". Hold the machine by the used holder with a dirty hand, remove the rubber band with a clean hand, then remove the needle, unscrew the holder and remove the needle and holder. After this, place the machine on a clean surface, such as a dental napkin, for further processing.
These steps ensure proper hygiene and help prevent cross-contamination, which is critical to maintaining the health and safety of both technician and client.

Cleaning procedure

Proper cleaning procedures for tattoo machines play a vital role in maintaining hygiene and preventing infections. Below are the basic steps you need to follow to effectively clean your equipment.

Defining hands as "dirty" and "clean"

The first step in the cleaning process is to identify the roles of the hands. The right hand will be considered "dirty" and the left hand will be considered "clean". This helps prevent cross-contamination and ensures a higher level of hygiene during operation.

Removing the gum with a clean hand

After defining the hands, remove the elastic band. This operation must be performed with a clean hand (left) to minimize the risk of contamination of clean parts of the equipment.

Removing the needle and unscrewing the holder

The next step involves removing the needle and unscrewing the holder. Hold the machine with your dirty hand (right hand) by the used holder. First, remove the elastic with a clean hand, then carefully remove the needle. After this, unscrew the holder while continuing to use a clean hand.

Placing the machine on a clean surface for further processing

Once the needle and holder are removed, the machine must be placed on a clean surface for further processing. A sterile surface, such as a dental napkin, is suitable for this. This will prevent further contamination of the machine and prepare it for the next cleaning step.

«However, along with the increase in popularity, an important challenge arises - ensuring hygiene and safety in tattoo parlors. Improper handling and cleaning of tattoo machines can lead to serious consequences, including infections and other health problems.»
Vlad Barikhin
Vlad Blad Irons CEO

Disassembling a machine using a machine bag

Using a tattoo machine bag is an alternative method that provides additional protection and makes disassembly easier.

Determination of hands as dirty and clean when working with a machine in a package

As in the previous method, you need to define your hands as dirty and clean. The right hand will be dirty and the left hand will be clean. This is important to prevent cross contamination.

Folding the barrier protection onto the holder

When disassembling a machine packed in a bag, you must carefully bend the barrier protection onto the holder. This is to avoid touching the outside of the bag, which could cause contamination.

Removing the elastic, unscrewing the vice and removing the needle

Next, as in the case without a bag, you should remove the elastic band, unscrew the vice and remove the needle along with the holder. All these actions are carried out in compliance with the same rules: the dirty hand holds the machine, and the clean hand performs the operations.

No need for additional machine processing

The advantage of using a machine package is that once all the above steps are completed, the machine does not require any additional processing. It can be removed immediately, saving time and providing an additional level of hygiene.

Tattoo machine processing

Proper cleaning of tattoo machines after each session is an important step to ensure hygiene and prevent infections. The following steps will help you thoroughly clean your equipment.

Wearing fresh gloves before handling

Be sure to wear fresh gloves before starting processing. This is to avoid cross-contamination and ensure maximum cleanliness when working with the machine.

Using an antiseptic to wipe all surfaces

Take a tissue and spray it with an antiseptic, preferably an alcohol-based one. Then take a second cloth and gently wipe all surfaces of the machine. It is important to thoroughly wipe every part of the machine to remove all possible dirt and microorganisms. Turn the machine over and repeat the procedure on the other side.

Recommendations for using cotton swabs for hard-to-reach areas

To clean hard-to-reach places, it is recommended to use cotton swabs soaked in antiseptic. Cotton swabs are useful for wiping small parts and corners of the car where a regular napkin may not be able to do the job. This will ensure more thorough cleaning and disinfection.

Post-cleaning and disposal

After basic cleaning is completed, post-cleaning and disposal of used materials must be performed.

Separating needles and holders

Separate the needles from the holders. Needles and holders must be handled separately as they require different disposal. Needles should be placed in a special sharps container.

Disposing of needles in a special container

Needles must be disposed of in a special needle container. This is an important step to prevent accidental sticks and ensure safe disposal of sharps.

Cleaning the Clipcord

To clean the clip cord, remove the protective sleeve, then spray an antiseptic onto a cloth and thoroughly wipe the entire cable. Pay special attention to the clips; they should also be wiped with an antiseptic and a dry cloth. This step will help remove any contaminants and keep the equipment clean.


Summing up the article allows us to summarize all the aspects considered and focus on the importance of proper cleaning and disassembly of tattoo equipment.

Cleaning and disassembling tattoo machines is an integral part of a tattoo artist's job and ensures safety and hygiene for both the artist and clients. Properly following all steps, from identifying hands as dirty and clean to using hand sanitizers and disposing of needles, helps prevent infections and maintain a high level of professionalism in tattoo parlors. Following these guidelines ensures that each tattoo session is safe and hygienic, which is the key to customer trust and satisfaction.

Understanding the different types of tattoo machines is crucial for every artist aiming to excel in this field. The journey of exploration doesn't stop here; in the next article, we will delve deeper into the realms of tattoo machine performance and reliability, aiding artists in making informed decisions for their craft.
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